May this double rainbow in Tucson, Arizona, give you peace and hope!
HM3 Advocate Inc.

Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide the necessary tools for people who are in a domestic violence situation and want to get out. When you contact HM3 Advocate, we will take your hand and guide you through your needs to build a new life without abuse. If we don’t have what you need, we will find it.
[WATCH for our next fundraiser announcement! Jim Click is doing it again–only with an improvement! This year, we can buy tickets for $25 each or 5 for $100!]
FOR YOUR SAFETY: An EXIT button is in the HEADER with our Logo. If someone you don’t trust comes up to you while you are one the computer, click the EXIT button. The website will close and change to a weather station.
Vision Statement
HM3 Advocate, Inc. was founded to bring together the needs of women from a domestic violence situation as well as their children. Our vision is a one-stop agency where women can receive help with all their needs. HM3 provides much-needed resources, including shelter and protection and educational resources for schools, government, and businesses. We will provide emergency educational institutions placing family members in placement services, assistance with job information and resumes, grocery and transportation requirements, court guidance and advocacy, mental health assistance, and any other needs required to “start over.” If we don’t have it, we will find it. We will walk with you, side by side, through this difficult time.

As legislation and government backing can provide key assistance in our endeavors, we will make government relationships and legislation support one of our priorities.
After several years in the making, Founder & CEO HelenMarie Majer McCracken, with the assistance of our CPA and our attorney, HM3 Advocate, Inc., officially launched its mission in Tucson, Arizona. Now, we are on to the next stage, which is funding. HM3 is ready to hit the ground running with four advocate team members, thrivers I might add, who are ready to come on board and start assisting on a much needed, larger scale. Two team members are moving across the country to join HM3 and participate in this impact. Breaking the cycle of abuse begins first by breaking the silence. Although domestic violence has been given more attention recently, it is still a very hushed topic that carries many stigmas. Many survivors remain silent due to embarrassment or shame in discussing it, much less revealing it. We provide a safe space for our “clients” (victims/survivors) to heal.
We aim to change the trends of the mindset on domestic violence. We are excited to begin partnering with local businesses in our community and applying for local and federal grants. Together, we can beat Domestic Violence! It won’t be overnight, however
we strive to one day see a significant downturn in the astronomical statistics that currently have a hold on us.
Join HM3 Advocacy as we alter the way communities grow & heal through domestic violence.
The statistics on this page have been compiled from various sources.
Disturbing National Statistics

Every 9 seconds…
a woman is assaulted
20 women per minute… are abused by an intimate partner
20,000 Calls per day… to Domestic Violence Hotlines
1 in 7 have been stalked… by an intimate partner
HM3 Advocate, Inc.
7850 North Silverbell #114-127
Tucson, Arizona 85743
Need additional assistance?
Please contact us:
Email: hello@hm3.me
Phone: (520) 413-4404
We are open
Monday through Friday
9 am to 5 pm